Episode 09: Dolls Pt 2 - Ken and Barbie Killers and Annabelle the Doll

Welcome back to episode 9 and our the conclusion to our two-parter! We are sticking with the Dolls theme for some extra good creepiness. And to add another first to the podcast we are graced with our first guest host, Brit! Lolo got trapped in the muggle land of teaching responsibilities and wasn’t able to join Lizza for the paranormal story this week. Luckily Lizza’s burlesque bestie is also addicted to true crime and the paranormal and stepped in. We do get Lolo for the second half of the Ken and Barbie killers, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Then we head to somewhere, USA for Annabelle the Doll, a new Life Lesson with Lizza, and another run in with the legendary Warrens. Grab your favorite stuffy, or a Raggedy Ann doll if you dare, and settle in for some serious heebie jeebies.


Ken and Barbie: Wikipedia Documentary Heaven Listverse ATI

Annabelle the Doll: Wikipedia Night Watch Paranormal Tony Spera


Episode 10: Crazy Court Cases - Greebrier Ghost and Carl Tanzler


Episode 08: Dolls Pt 1 - Ken and Barbie Killers and Robert the Doll