Episode 16: Denver, CO - The Denver Spider Man and the Brown Palace Hotel

Welcome back to episode 16! The sound is a little rough, but I promise it’s worth it! It might even be one of Lizza’s fave episodes so far. Lolo is stuck in house moving hell and had to take a vaca from the podcast this week so Lizza’s little bro (from another mother and father LOL) steps in to cohost.

This week we head out for our location topic of Denver, CO. We check out all of the ghosty ghosts that have decided to permanently check in to the Brown Palace Hotel for their stay in the afterlife and boy are there a lot of them! We then check out the creep-tastic tale of the Denver Spiderman and that’s all I’m going to say about that because the shama-llama-ding-dong twist is what makes this tale so bonkers. So get ready for some silly, scary and all things in between, as well as the creation of the slow yeeeeeeeeet.


Brown Palace Hotel: Wikipedia - Brown Palace Hotel Denver Terrors Wikipedia - Louise Sneed Hill Denver Post

Denver Spider Man: Dark Histories Podcast Wikipedia


Episode 17: Pools - The Queen Mary and Stupid Pool Crimes


Episode 15: Gargoyles - Corpsewood Manor and Eastern State Penitentiary